Knowing 3 Telltale Signs of Gluten Intolerance

by BVC Shopify 3 min read

Knowing 3 Telltale Signs of Gluten Intolerance

We bring a clearer perspective considering health for people. What has been observed is that when most people focus on making changes to their diets, they don’t start by investigating the potential signs of gluten intolerance. As Gluten is a 2-part protein found in wheat or wheat intolerance and many other grains. For people with gluten sensitivity have 1 of 2 problems. These being some complete gluten intolerance or celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.

Here in this article, we’re going to discuss what gluten intolerance is and the 3 of the most telling signs that you may be intolerant.


With identifying all kinds of gastrointestinal problems as one umbrella term in gluten intolerance has become a trend in recent years. However, yet for many, it’s a legitimate medical condition. The common symptoms are including diarrhoea, upset stomach, abdominal pain and also bloating.

For all those who are with celiac disease, an autoimmune disease, experience small intestine inflammation and a damage if they consume gluten, which makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients that are important for the overall health. For all those who are with non-celiac gluten intolerance will still have many of the symptoms, but they won’t suffer the intestinal damage.

Further you should get tested for celiac disease if you experience any of these symptoms. In the case the test comes out as negative, you may still be gluten intolerant! Yes and if such be the case, you will need to change your diet. All this is essential to eliminate the gastrointestinal and other symptoms associated with this disorder. By cutting out gluten from the diet will also optimize digestion and general physical well-being as a whole.


As while there are many signs of gluten intolerance, here we will be focusing only on the top 3 ones. This in order to help you better determine whether you should visit your doctor:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues – Gastrointestinal issues are amongst the most common ones. These are signs of gluten intolerance. These may include the symptoms mentioned above. Ones like diarrhoea, upset stomach, abdominal pain and bloating. These are the ones which typically worsen over time. In constipation is another common issue which can eventually damage your colon if left untreated.

  • Headaches – Aside from the obvious gastrointestinal symptoms that are sure to result from intolerance, headaches are another common side effect of gluten intolerance. Without any other obvious causes, and in combination with other symptoms, the headaches may point to gluten intolerance. As the case with some people with gluten intolerance they also experience migraines on certain occasions.

  • Fatigue – In the case that you are feeling tired after meals, you may be gluten intolerant. In fact, as many as 82 percent of those with gluten intolerance experience tiredness or fatigue. Here is how you can distinguish fatigue from normal tiredness. This in the case if you’re also having a difficult time concentrating, starting or completing tasks, or are feeling dizzy, faint, or exhausted.


This case of being gluten intolerance is a medical condition. One which is with serious repercussions if left untreated. Thus if in the case you suspect you may be intolerant and are considering making dietary changes, contact your doctor 1st. This is vital to have an accurate test and to make proper adjustments to your diet.

Also do keep in mind that there are many other complaints that may cause symptoms like those associated with gluten intolerance. However, when occurring in a conjunction with one another, it’s important you take these symptoms seriously.

By doing so will highlight any serious health issues and also ensure that when you’re trying to lose weight or otherwise improve upon your health, the underlying problems won’t stand in your way in any way possible.

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